Lands Committee
Badge Blackett, Committee Chair
The Lands Committee has primary responsibility for identifying key parcels of land for protection. It has adopted written criteria for prioritizing land for protection and applies those criteria in selecting land and easement projects. The Committee meets with landowners to discuss conservation options and to evaluate and select the best conservation tools for each project. The Lands Committee is responsible for property transactions, including obtaining independent legal advice, drafting easements in consultation with landowners, legally recording transactions and recordkeeping.
Stewardship Committee
Margot Woodworth Seefeld, Committee Chair
The Stewardship Committee has primary responsibility for management and maintenance of each of NHCP’s properties (easements and fee properties). It creates management plans for its fee-owned properties, identifying the conservation goals for the property and means to achieve them. It creates annual maintenance work plans and hires independent contractors and recruits volunteers to help maintain properties. The Stewardship Committee creates a baseline document report for each NHCP easement prior to closing and monitors the easement properties annually to document any changes in condition of the property and compliance with the terms of the easement. The Committee works with the Mullens Head Park Commission to implement their joint responsibilities for maintenance of Burnt Island. The Committee maintains regular contact with owners of easement property and establishes contact with neighboring property owners.
Education Committee
Jeff Crawford, Committee Chair
The Education Committee supports NHCP’s diverse educational activities. The goal of its work is to create, deliver, and assess programs that help learners better understand, appreciate, and enjoy our natural surroundings. The Committee hopes to inspire those learners to take action to conserve and protect the environment.
Outreach Committee
Peggy Mayfield, Committee Chair
The Outreach Committee creates a communications plan for NHCP to serve current members and increase membership. It maintains accurate records of names and addresses of members and conducts an annual appeal/membership renewal campaign each year. The Committee works with the Stewardship and Education committees to hold member events and develop opportunities for members to become volunteers.
Nominating Committee
Lois Cheston, Committee Chair
The Nominating Committee has primary responsibility for maintaining a Board of Directors that represents the range of skills and interests required to run the organization, and represents a balance between year-roundand summer residents. It seeks recommendations and maintains a file of potential Directors so that when there is a need to expand the Board or to fill vacancies, candidates are available. The Committee meets with potential Directors to provide them with background information about NHCP, provide them with clear expectations for their service, and inform them about the Boards legal and fiduciary responsibilities. It prepares the written slate and nominates Directors & Officers for election and/or reelection at the Annual Meeting.