Some Essentials to Keep in Mind
Fox Islands Outing Club
Who, When

Program leaders, Amilia Campbell and Maria Keeler (Island Institute Fellow) will meet with each age group, approximately once a month, every Friday from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm at the North haven Community School. Click here to see NHCP’s calendar to confirm your child’s FIOC date. Amilia and/or Maria will notify families of cancellations no later than 7am on Friday mornings. Always check NHCP website – FIOC webpage for information as well.
Preparation is Key
Please make sure that your child comes prepared to be outdoors no matter the weather conditions. This means NO COTTON under garments or outerwear, warm gloves/mittens, hat, and warm, waterproof winter boots, including non cotton socks. THIS IS IMPORTANT. Please let Amilia or Maria know if your child needs to borrow any of the above items prior to his/her FIOC session.
To keep up energy and stay warm, FIOC may provide a snack and drink.
Equipment For Fun
Fox Island Outing Club will be renting or borrowing equipment for kids to use for the winter season. This may include snowshoes and cross country ski packages. If your child has their own, please make sure it is well marked. For sliding expeditions, we will look to borrow sleds and toboggans.
Not Feeling Well?
If your child is sick or not feeling well, please keep him or her home. We want all the kids to enjoy their time outside as much as possible.
NHCP has partnered with Watermans Community Center for the use of its van to transport adventurers to different places around the island and will return to school by 2:00 pm for pick up. Unfortunately, drivers cannot drop your child off at home.